Saturday, August 31, 2024

Shenanigans Episode 347: How You Like Your Polar Express Now?

In this week's Shenanigans podcast, the group is all back together after a tumultuous week of just two people, one of whom was most definitely Mat. We had a get together at Allyn's house over the weekend, which was a lot of fun. Mat was even there. We talk about mixed drinks, and what makes a good one. Some of us are cool with pre-mixed concoctions. Others are not. Ted Lasso may be making a comeback, which we are all excited for. Allyn went to a winery in Canada, and now we're thinking about doing a distillery tour here. Maybe we should do a show from that tour? Allyn found his dream car. He just needs to find matching outfits for he and Rich to wear while they tool around town in it. Allyn is a popular guy as his phone proves by going off with sext messages every fifteen seconds. As always, this podcast should be listen only with caution in public and at work. We are adult humor.

Cast: Craig, Rich, Allyn, Mat

Running Time: 90 minutes

Logos designed  by Amanda Hodge