Saturday, December 2, 2023

Shenanigans Episode 311: So Bad Even the Bats Are Using

In this week's Shenanigans podcast, we are down to a trio because of the holidays. We talk a bit about Cooper Pupp and our Thanksgiving holidays. There is a lot of NFL talk. Prius drivers...ugh. We talk about our post-holiday celebrations and having bats in your belfry. If you do have bats, make sure you set up a camera. It could make you famous-ish. With the holiday season upon us, we have a new affinity for Taco Bell and their employee parties. Where does Allyn sign up? As always, this podcast should be listen only with caution in public and at work. We are adult humor.

Cast: Craig, Allyn, Vinnie

Running Time: 72 Minutes

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