Saturday, December 17, 2022

Shenanigans Episode 262: Presenting Canal Shark Week

In this week's Shenanigans podcast, we talk about the new singing road between Lockport and Gasport. There were a pair of birthdays between episodes and we had a pretty great, impromptu party at Allyn's house, complete with video games, guitar strumming singalongs, drumming, and karaoke. It was a lot of fun. At the other party, Craig made himself feel right at home and walked past everyone to the food. Allyn talks about dating and being set up by others. Too bad he still doesn't have a hot tub to make things easier with that time travel thingie to correct his mistakes. Cole Beasley is back and now ice fighting is a thing. As always, we are #NSFW.

Cast: Craig, Rich, Walden, Allyn, Mat

Running Time: 89 Minutes

Logos designed by Amanda Hodge