Those of us at Niagara’s Watercooler didn’t want to be left out in the cold, so to speak. So, we took a snow day yesterday. Why should the kids get to have all the fun? Yes, maybe that was our second weather-related day off in the last week or so, but this one was by choice. Last week’s was out of our control as the war room at Watercooler Central was completely without power. Yesterday, we just didn’t feel like fighting the drifts on the way to the office.
Part of the reason for taking the day off was to celebrate our one year anniversary. You read that right. Niagara’s Watercooler is one year old today. Way back on March 15, 2016, Craig posted our first article, a theater review of Peter Pan from Roy-Hart High School. You can revisit that story here: Peter Pan Soars Over Roy-Hart Stage
In that last year, we’ve published nearly 500 articles. Some have worked. Others haven’t. It’s been a learning curve. Those first days, we averaged about 30 pages views a day. This month we are averaging much, much more than that. We’ve had 90,000 page views since Craig and George set out on this adventure. And our numbers keep growing.
We try to be entertaining. At the same time, we try to help local events get some positive press. Please feel free to send us your press releases for those events you’re hosting. We can be reached at We like to see our neighbors and friends do well.
So, what can be expected for year two? Hopefully more of the same with some new features added in. Stay tuned for some Shenanigans news and some podcasts with our new format. Book reviews seem to be ever-popular (apologies for being late this week. We will be on it very soon.) We need more George. Who couldn’t use more George? And more Howie? Things are looking up. We want to grow. If you have an idea for a column you’d like to write, drop us a line detailing what you could do. There’s no compensation other than seeing your name and work in print, but it is fun.
Now we set off into the Year Two. Maybe we’ll have a formal party next year as we enter the Terrible Twos. In the meantime, keep reading and we’ll keep writing. It’s been fun for us. We hope it’s been fun for you. Hopefully, next year won't have as much as a hangover. George makes a mean Shirley Temple.