Anyways, this week we will look at the original Stairway to Heaven and compare it to a cover by, you guessed it, Dolly Parton. What? You didn't guess that? Well you should because Dolly actually put out a version of Stairway that anyone can appreciate. I am not sure how I feel about artists that take the time and effort to record a studio cover of Stairway to Heaven, but Dolly does a nice job.
First, we start with Dolly's studio version. She does "country it up" more than a bit, but you have to expect that.
There is no doubt Dolly can sing and it seems appropriate that a performer known for her physical attributes tackles a song adored mostly by males clad in jeans and t-shirts. But this is simply a good version of a great song. The only complaint I have is that Dolly does not put the lament in her voice that, I feel, is required to get this song just right. But this is her interpretation, and I think she does a damn good job.
It doesn't matter what version of Stairway I plan to use - live or studio. The results are awesome no matter where the guys are playing the song. So I decided to go with my favorite version from the Song Remains the Same. So, ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu I give you the legal world's favorite band - Led Zeppelin performing Stairway to Heaven:
Yeah. I love Dolly, but this one isn't even close.
Verdict (by majority ruling): Zep
George N Root III is a music fanatic and noted wise-ass. Follow him on Twitter @georgenroot3, or send him a message at